About 'International Superblogs!'
I am currently able to translate from: Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian and a little of Korean and Spanish. The translations are in no way perfect, as I am still learning, but if you do notice any mistakes, please let me know.
I hope you enjoy the translations!
Thursday, 15 November 2012
E Raffaella è Mia - Tiziano Ferro Lyrics & Translation
Ho dovuto pagarla tanto
I had to pay her so much
Ho dovuto pagarla cara
I had to pay dearly
Ma ho deciso ho detto "tento
But, I decided, I said "I'll try
Mal che vada solo nega"
At worst, she just refuses"
Ho girato il Latin America
I've traveled Latin America
Cuba, Messico, Argentina
Cuba, Mexico, Argentina
E non c'è nome più potente
And there's no name more powerful
Non c'è nome più importante
There's no name more important
Ho cercato il suo manager
I searched for her manager
Ho cercato la sua mail
I searched for her e-mail
Incredibile la fortuna
Incredible luck!
Incredibile solo una
Incredible, only one
Incredibile l' egoismo
Incredibly the selfishness
Maledetta la gelosia
Cursed jealousy
Maledetta però mi piace
Cursed, but I like it
Incredibile però è mia
Incredible, but she's mine
Mia Mia mia mia
Mine, mine, mine, mine
E Raffaella canta a casa mia
And Raffaella sings at my house
E Raffaella balla a casa mia
And Raffaella dances at my house
E non mi importa niente
And nothing else matters to me
Non può entrare altra gente
Nobody else can enter
E Raffaella canta a casa mia
And Raffaella sings at my house
E Raffaella è mia, mia, mia
And Raffaella is mine, mine, mine
E tutto il vicinato
And the whole neighbourhood
Ascolta il repertorio
Hears the repertoire
Che canta solo per me...
That she sings only for me...
Non vale no, no
It's not worth it, no, no
Ero in volo no, no, no
I was airborne no, no, no
Mentre tu cantavi no non è per niente giusto e quindi
While you were singing, no it's not at all right and so
Male! Chi si distrae
Bad! One who's distracted
Perde un' occasione , una lezione
Loses an opportunity, a lesson
Una canzone allegra
A cheerful song
Di quelle che ti fanno ridere
One of those that makes you laugh
Una canzone strega
A witch's song
Che non puoi più dimenticarla
You can no longer forget her
E puoi ignorarla o adorarla
And you can ignore her or adore her
Ma non ti perdonerà
But she will not forgive you
Mai Mai Mai Mai Mai
Never, never, never, never, never
E Raffaella canta a casa mia
And Raffaella sings at my house
E Raffaella balla a casa mia
And Raffaella dances at my house
E non mi importa niente
And nothing else matters to me
Non può entrare altra gente
Nobody else can enter
E Raffaella canta a casa mia
And Raffaella sings at my house
E Raffaella è mia, mia, mia
And Raffaella is mine, mine, mine
E tutto il vicinato
And the whole neighbourhood
Ascolta il repertorio
Hears the repertoire
Che canta solo per me...
That she sings only for me...
Sposta tutti i mobili
Move all the furniture
Mettili giù in cantina
Put them down in the basement
Arriva, arriva, arriva
She's coming, she's coming, she's coming
Spegni radio e telefono
Turn off the radio and telephone
Presto camera mia
Soon my bedroom
Paradossalmente sarà sua
Paradoxically will be hers
Sua Sua Sua Sua
Hers, hers, hers, hers
E Raffaella canta a casa mia
And Raffaella sings at my house
E Raffaella balla a casa mia
And Raffaella dances at my house
E non mi importa niente
And nothing else matters to me
Non può entrare altra gente
No-body else can enter
E Raffaella canta a casa mia
And Raffaella sings at my house
E Raffaella è mia, mia, mia
And Raffaella is mine, mine, mine
E tutto il vicinato
And the whole neighbourhood
Ascolta il repertorio
Hears the repertoire
Che canta solo per me...
That she sings only for me...
[DISCLAIMER] -- I do not own this song. No copyright infringement intended. All rights go to their copyright owners
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Indietro - Tiziano Ferro Lyrics & Translation
Io voglio regalarti la mia vita
I want to give you my life
Chiedo tu cambi tutta la mia vita, ora
I'm asking you to change my whole life, now
Ti do questa notizia in conclusione
I'll give you this news in conclusion
Notizia è l’anagramma del mio nome, vedi
News is an anagram of my name, you see
So che serve tempo, non lo nego
I know it takes time, I won't deny it
Anche se in fondo tempo non ce n’è
Even if in the end there's no time
Ma se cerco lo vedo
But if I look, I'll see
L'amore va veloce
Love goes fast
Tu stai indietro
You are behind
Se cerchi mi vedi
If you look, you'll see me
Il bene più segreto sfugge all' uomo che non guarda avanti mai
It escapes most that the secret is to never look ahead
Ricevo il tuo contrordine speciale
I receive your special countermand
Nemico della logica morale
Enemy of moral logic
Opposto della fisica normale
Opposing normal physics
Geometria degli angoli nascosti nostri
Geometry of our hidden angles
E adesso
And now
Ripenso a quella foto insieme
I recall that photo together
Decido che non ti avrei mai perduta, mai perduta
I decide that I would never have lost you, never lost you
Perchè ti volevo troppo
Because I wanted you too much
Mi mancano i colpi al cuore
My heart's skipping beats
Quel poco o tanto di dolore
That little or big pain
Quell’attitudine di chi ricorda tutto
That attitude of one who remembers everything
Ma se guardo lo vedo
But if I look, I'll see
Il mondo va veloce e tu vai indietro
The world goes fast and you go backwards
Se cerchi mi vedi
If you look, you'll see me
Il bene più segreto sfugge all' uomo che non guarda avanti mai
It escapes most that the secret is to never look ahead
Dietro le lacrime che mi hai nascosto
Behind the tears that you hid from me
E negli spazi di un segreto opposto
And in the space of a secret place
Resto fermo e ti aspetto da qui
I stand and wait for you here
Non mi è possibile, no non rivederti più
I can't, no never see you again
Se lontana non sei stata mai
If you've never been far away
Ma se cerco lo vedo
But if I look, I'll see
L'amore va veloce
Love goes fast
Tu stai indietro
You are behind
Se cerchi mi vedi
If you look, you'll see me
Il bene più segreto sfugge all' uomo che non guarda avanti mai
It escapes most that the secret is to never look ahead
[DISCLAIMER] -- I do not own this song. No copyright infringement intended. All rights go to their copyright owners
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
La Differenza Tra Me e Te - Tiziano Ferro Lyrics & Translation
La differenza tra me e te
The difference between me and you
Non l'ho capita fino in fondo veramente bene
I haven't really fully understood it
(Me e Te)
(Me and You)
Uno dei due sa farsi male, l'altro meno, però...
One of us knows how to be bad, the other not so much, but...
(Me e Te)
(Me and You)
E' quasi una negazione
It's almost a negotiation
Io mi perdo nei dettagli, nei disordini, tu no
I get lost in the details, in the disorder, you don't
E temo il tuo passato e il mio passato, ma tu no
And I'm afraid of your past and my past, but you're not
(Me e Te)
(Me and You)
E' così chiaro
It's so clear
E sembra difficile
And it seems so difficult
La mia vita
My life
Mi fa perdere il sonno, sempre
It always makes me sleepless
Mi fa capire che è evidente
It makes me realise that it's clear
La differenza tra me e te
The difference between me and you
Poi mi chiedi come sto
Then you ask me how I am
E il tuo sorriso spegne i tormenti e le domande
And your smile puts away the torment and questions
A stare bene, a stare male,a torturarmi a chiedermi: "perché" ?
About being good or being bad, to torture me and wonder: "why"?
La differenza tra me e te
The difference between me and you
Tu come stai?
How are you?
Io come sto?
How am I?
I dunno
(Me e Te)
(Me and You)
Uno sorride di com'è, l'altro piange cosa non è
One of us laughs at himself, the other weeps for what he's not
E penso sia un errore...
And I think that's a mistake...
Ah, io ho molte incertezze, una pinta e qualche amico
Ah, I have many doubts, a beer and a few friends
Tu hai molte domande, alcune pessime, lo dico
You have many questions, some bad, let me tell you
(Me e Te)
(Me and You)
It's elementary
Non volere andare via...
Don't want to go away...
La mia vita
My life
Mi fa perdere il sonno, sempre
It always makes me sleepless
Mi fa capire che è evidente
It makes me realise that it's clear
La differenza tra me e te
The difference between me and you
Poi mi chiedi come sto
Then you ask me how I am
E il tuo sorriso spegne i tormenti e le domande
And your smile puts away the torment and questions
A stare bene, a stare male,a torturarmi a chiedermi: "perché" ?
About being good or being bad, to torture me and wonder: "why"?
E se la mia vita ogni tanto azzerasse
And if my life could be occasionally reset
L'inutilità di queste insicurezze
The uselessness of these insecurities
Non te lo direi
I wouldn't tell you
Ma se un bel giorno affacciandomi alla vita
But if one fine day I was looking at life
Tutta la tristezza fosse già finita
All the sadness would be gone
Io verrei da te
I would come to you
Poi mi chiedi come sto
Then you ask me how I am
E il tuo sorriso spegne i tormenti e le domande
And your smile puts away the torment and questions
A stare bene, a stare male,a torturarmi a chiedermi: "perché" ?
About being good or being bad, to torture me and wonder: "why"?
La differenza tra me e te
The difference between me and you
Tu come stai?
How are you?
Io come sto?
How am I?
I dunno
(Me e Te)
(Me and You)
Uno sorride di com'è, l'altro piange cosa non è
One smiles at what he is, the other weeps for what he's not
E penso sia bellissimo
And I think it's beautiful
E penso sia bellissimo.
And I think it's beautiful
[DISCLAIMER] -- I do not own this song. No copyright infringement intended. All rights go to their copyright owners
Per Dirti Ciao - Tiziano Ferro Lyrics & Translation
Magari un giorno avremo un posto
Maybe one day we will have a place
Anche nascosto oppur distante dalle tante astanterie
Hidden or even far from the many waiting rooms
In cui riposano gli amori ormai in disuso
Where love that's no longer used lies
Quelli non storici…di cui nessuno parlerà
Those non-historic... which no-one talks about
E rivela il tuo sorriso in una stella se vorrai
And reveal your smile inside a star, if you want
Per stasera andrebbe bene anche così
Tonight would be fine even like this
E non servirà più a niente la felicità
And it won't serve nothing, happiness
Più a niente anche la fantasia
Nothing too fancy
Mi accontenterò del tempo andato
I'll settle for the old days
Soffierà nel vento una lacrima
A tear will blow in the wind
Che tornerà da te
That will turn back to you
Per dirti ciao...ciao!
To tell you goodbye... goodbye!
Mio piccolo ricordo in cui
My little memory in which
Nascosi anni di felicità…ciao!
I hid years of happiness... goodbye!
E guardami affrontare questa vita
And watch me face this life
Come fossi ancora qui
As you were still here
Magari un giorno l’universo accoglierà la mia richiesta
Maybe one day the universe will accept my request
E ci riporterà vicini
And it'll bring us close
Tra l’aldilà e il mio nido di città c’è molta differenza
Between the afterlife and my nest in the city there's a big difference
Anche se provo a non vederla
Although I try not to see it
E giro il mondo e chiamerò il tuo nome per millenni
And around the world I will call your name for millenia
E si rivelerà quando non lo vorrò più
And you'll reveal yourself when I don't want you anymore
E non adesso qui su questo letto
And not now here in this bed
In cui tragico mi accorgo
Where I tragically realise
Che il tuo odore sta svanendo lento…
That your smell is fading slowly...
Soffierà nel vento una lacrima
A tear will blow in the wind
Che tornerà da te
That will turn back to you
Per dirti ciao...ciao!
To tell you goodbye... goodbye!
Mio piccolo ricordo in cui
My little memory in which
Nascosi anni di felicità…ciao!
I hid years of happiness... goodbye!
E guarda con orgoglio chi sostiene
And watch with pride those who support
Anche le guerre che non può
The wars that can not
E senza pace dentro al petto
And without peace in my chest
So che non posso fare tutto
I know I can't do everything
Ma se tornassi farei tutto e basta…
But if I could go back, I'd do everything just like that
E guardo fisso quella porta
And I stare at the door
Perchè se entrassi un’altra volta
Because if you enter again
Vorrebbe dire che anche io son morto già
It would mean that I am dead already
E tornerei da te
And I would turn back to you
Per dirti ciao…ciao!
To say goodbye... goodbye!
Mio piccolo miracolo
My little miracle
Sceso dal cielo per amare me…ciao!
Down from heaven to love me... goodbye!
E cadono i ricordi e cade tutto l’universo
And the falling memories fall throughout the universe
E tu stai li…
And you stay there...
La vita è come tu te la ricordi
Life as you remember it
Un giorno se ne andò con te…
One day just left with you...
[DISCLAIMER] -- I do not own this song. No copyright infringement intended. All rights go to their copyright owners
Sunday, 21 October 2012
It's Art - PSY Lyrics & Translation
너와 나 둘이 정신없이 가는 곳
neowa na duri jeongshineopshi ganeun got
You and me both, going somewhere crazy
정처 없이 가는 곳
jeongcheo eopshi ganeun got
Going somewhere aimlessly
정해지지 않은 곳
jeonghaejiji anheun got
Going towards the unknown거기서 우리 서로를 재워주고
geogiseo uri seoreruel jaewojugo
At that place we help each other sleep
서로를 깨워주고 서로를 채워주고
seororeul kkaewojugo seororeul chaewojugo
Help each other wake up, help each other feel fulfilled
EXCUSE ME 잠시만 아직까진 우린 남
Excuse me jamshiman ajigkkajin urin nam
Excuse me, wait a minute, I know we're strangers but soon
하지만 조만간 중독성을 자랑하는 장난감
hajiman jomangan jungdongseongeul jaranghaneun jangnangam
You'll be addicted to me showing off my toys
지금 이 느낌적인 느낌이 통하는 느낌
jigeum i neukkimjeogin neukkimi tonghaneun neukkim
Right now this intense feeling, this feeling I'm sending to you
녹아버릴 아이스크림
nogabeoril aiseukeurim
Is about to melt like ice-cream
지금이 우리에게는 꿈이야
jigeumi uriegeneun kkumiya
Right now for us is like a dream
너와 나 둘이서 추는 춤이야
neowa na duriseo chuneun chumiya
It's a dance, you and me together
기분은 미친 듯이 예술이야
kibuneun michin deushi yesuriya
It's like a crazy art piece
하늘을 날아가는 기분이야
haneuleul nalaganeun gibuniya
I feel like I'm flying in the sky
죽어도 상관없는 지금이야
chugeodo sanggwaneopneun jigeumiya
I don't even care if I die right now
심장은 터질 듯이 예술이야
shimjangeun teojil deushi yesuriya
My heart's bursting into an art piece
예술이야 (예술이야) 예술이야 (예술이야)
yesuriya (yesuriya) yesuriya (yesuriya)
It's art (it's art) it's art (it's art)
예술이야 (예술이야) 이런 날이 올 줄이야
yesuriya (yesuriya) ireon nari ol juliya
It's art (it's art), Whoever thought this day would come
예술이야 (예술이야) 예술이야 (예술이야)
yesuriya (yesuriya) yesuriya (yesuriya)
It's art (it's art) It's art (it's art)
너와 나 둘이 밤새 잔을 부딪혀
neowa na duri bamsae janeul bugijhyeo
Just you and me, taking shots all night
밤새 뺨을 부비며
bamsae ppyameul bubimyeon
Rub our cheeks together all night long
밤새도록 둘이서
bamsaedolok duliseo
All night just the two of us
눈이 점점 풀린다 니도 따라 풀린다
nuni jeomjeom pullinda nidu ddala pullinda
My eyes are starting to loosen, I know you feel the same
끌린다 너에 대한 수수께끼가 풀린다
ggeullinda neoe daehan susukkaekkiga pullinda
Attracted to your mystery, and I'm solving it
지금 이 춤에 너의 가빠진 숨에
jigeum i chume neoeui gappajin sume
The dance makes you breathless
sujupeume You know what I mean
Don't so self-concious, you know what I mean
지금이 우리에게는 꿈이야
jigeumi uriegeneun kkumiya
Right now for us is like a dream
너와 나 둘이서 추는 춤이야
neowa na duriseo chuneun chumiya
It's a dance, you and me together
기분은 미친 듯이 예술이야
kibuneun michin deushi yesuriya
It's like a crazy art piece
하늘을 날아가는 기분이야
haneuleul nalaganeun gibuniya
I feel like I'm flying in the sky
죽어도 상관없는 지금이야
chugeodo sanggwaneopneun jigeumiya
I don't even care if I die right now
심장은 터질 듯이 예술이야
shimjangeun teojil deushi yesuriya
My heart's bursting into an art piece
여기서 우리 같은 것을 즐기고
yeogijeo uri kateun geoseul jeulgigo
You and me, we like to have a good time
같은 것을 느끼고 웃다가 흐느끼고
kateun geoseul neukkigo utdaga heuneuggigo
Feel the same emotions, like laughing or crying
아가씨 만나기 전엔 난 건달
agasshi mannagi jeonen nan geondal
Before I met my lady I was a gangster
미녀 만나기 전엔 야수였던 날
minyeo mannagi jeonen yasuyeotdeon nal
Before I met my beauty I was a beast
바꿔 버렸어 내가 찾던 사람 너였어
bakkwo beolyeosseo naega chajdeon saram neoyeosseo
I was able to change, you're the girl I was looking for
It was a beautiful art
지금이 우리에게는 꿈이야
jigeumi uriegeneun kkumiya
Right now for us is like a dream
너와 나 둘이서 추는 춤이야
neowa na duriseo chuneun chumiya
It's a dance, you and me together
기분은 미친 듯이 예술이야
kibuneun michin deushi yesuriya
It's like a crazy art piece
하늘을 날아가는 기분이야
haneuleul nalaganeun gibuniya
I feel like I'm flying in the sky
죽어도 상관없는 지금이야
chugeodo sanggwaneopneun jigeumiya
I don't even care if I die right now
심장은 터질 듯이 예술이야
shimjangeun teojil deushi yesuriya
My heart's bursting into an art piece
예술이야 (예술이야) 예술이야 (예술이야)
yesuriya (yesuriya) yesuriya (yesuriya)
It's art (it's art) it's art (it's art)
예술이야 (예술이야) 이런 날이 올 줄이야
yesuriya (yesuriya) ireon nari ol juliya
It's art (it's art), Whoever thought this day would come
예술이야 (예술이야) 예술이야 (예술이야)
yesuriya (yesuriya) yesuriya (yesuriya)
It's art (it's art) It's art (it's art)
너와 나 언제까지나
neowa na eonjekkajina
You and I, forever to ride
Till the end of time
P. S. Y
[DISCLAIMER] -- I do not own this song. No copyright infringement intended. All rights go to their copyright owners
neowa na duri jeongshineopshi ganeun got
You and me both, going somewhere crazy
정처 없이 가는 곳
jeongcheo eopshi ganeun got
Going somewhere aimlessly
정해지지 않은 곳
jeonghaejiji anheun got
Going towards the unknown거기서 우리 서로를 재워주고
geogiseo uri seoreruel jaewojugo
At that place we help each other sleep
서로를 깨워주고 서로를 채워주고
seororeul kkaewojugo seororeul chaewojugo
Help each other wake up, help each other feel fulfilled
EXCUSE ME 잠시만 아직까진 우린 남
Excuse me jamshiman ajigkkajin urin nam
Excuse me, wait a minute, I know we're strangers but soon
하지만 조만간 중독성을 자랑하는 장난감
hajiman jomangan jungdongseongeul jaranghaneun jangnangam
You'll be addicted to me showing off my toys
지금 이 느낌적인 느낌이 통하는 느낌
jigeum i neukkimjeogin neukkimi tonghaneun neukkim
Right now this intense feeling, this feeling I'm sending to you
녹아버릴 아이스크림
nogabeoril aiseukeurim
Is about to melt like ice-cream
지금이 우리에게는 꿈이야
jigeumi uriegeneun kkumiya
Right now for us is like a dream
너와 나 둘이서 추는 춤이야
neowa na duriseo chuneun chumiya
It's a dance, you and me together
기분은 미친 듯이 예술이야
kibuneun michin deushi yesuriya
It's like a crazy art piece
하늘을 날아가는 기분이야
haneuleul nalaganeun gibuniya
I feel like I'm flying in the sky
죽어도 상관없는 지금이야
chugeodo sanggwaneopneun jigeumiya
I don't even care if I die right now
심장은 터질 듯이 예술이야
shimjangeun teojil deushi yesuriya
My heart's bursting into an art piece
예술이야 (예술이야) 예술이야 (예술이야)
yesuriya (yesuriya) yesuriya (yesuriya)
It's art (it's art) it's art (it's art)
예술이야 (예술이야) 이런 날이 올 줄이야
yesuriya (yesuriya) ireon nari ol juliya
It's art (it's art), Whoever thought this day would come
예술이야 (예술이야) 예술이야 (예술이야)
yesuriya (yesuriya) yesuriya (yesuriya)
It's art (it's art) It's art (it's art)
너와 나 둘이 밤새 잔을 부딪혀
neowa na duri bamsae janeul bugijhyeo
Just you and me, taking shots all night
밤새 뺨을 부비며
bamsae ppyameul bubimyeon
Rub our cheeks together all night long
밤새도록 둘이서
bamsaedolok duliseo
All night just the two of us
눈이 점점 풀린다 니도 따라 풀린다
nuni jeomjeom pullinda nidu ddala pullinda
My eyes are starting to loosen, I know you feel the same
끌린다 너에 대한 수수께끼가 풀린다
ggeullinda neoe daehan susukkaekkiga pullinda
Attracted to your mystery, and I'm solving it
지금 이 춤에 너의 가빠진 숨에
jigeum i chume neoeui gappajin sume
The dance makes you breathless
sujupeume You know what I mean
Don't so self-concious, you know what I mean
지금이 우리에게는 꿈이야
jigeumi uriegeneun kkumiya
Right now for us is like a dream
너와 나 둘이서 추는 춤이야
neowa na duriseo chuneun chumiya
It's a dance, you and me together
기분은 미친 듯이 예술이야
kibuneun michin deushi yesuriya
It's like a crazy art piece
하늘을 날아가는 기분이야
haneuleul nalaganeun gibuniya
I feel like I'm flying in the sky
죽어도 상관없는 지금이야
chugeodo sanggwaneopneun jigeumiya
I don't even care if I die right now
심장은 터질 듯이 예술이야
shimjangeun teojil deushi yesuriya
My heart's bursting into an art piece
여기서 우리 같은 것을 즐기고
yeogijeo uri kateun geoseul jeulgigo
You and me, we like to have a good time
같은 것을 느끼고 웃다가 흐느끼고
kateun geoseul neukkigo utdaga heuneuggigo
Feel the same emotions, like laughing or crying
아가씨 만나기 전엔 난 건달
agasshi mannagi jeonen nan geondal
Before I met my lady I was a gangster
미녀 만나기 전엔 야수였던 날
minyeo mannagi jeonen yasuyeotdeon nal
Before I met my beauty I was a beast
바꿔 버렸어 내가 찾던 사람 너였어
bakkwo beolyeosseo naega chajdeon saram neoyeosseo
I was able to change, you're the girl I was looking for
It was a beautiful art
지금이 우리에게는 꿈이야
jigeumi uriegeneun kkumiya
Right now for us is like a dream
너와 나 둘이서 추는 춤이야
neowa na duriseo chuneun chumiya
It's a dance, you and me together
기분은 미친 듯이 예술이야
kibuneun michin deushi yesuriya
It's like a crazy art piece
하늘을 날아가는 기분이야
haneuleul nalaganeun gibuniya
I feel like I'm flying in the sky
죽어도 상관없는 지금이야
chugeodo sanggwaneopneun jigeumiya
I don't even care if I die right now
심장은 터질 듯이 예술이야
shimjangeun teojil deushi yesuriya
My heart's bursting into an art piece
예술이야 (예술이야) 예술이야 (예술이야)
yesuriya (yesuriya) yesuriya (yesuriya)
It's art (it's art) it's art (it's art)
예술이야 (예술이야) 이런 날이 올 줄이야
yesuriya (yesuriya) ireon nari ol juliya
It's art (it's art), Whoever thought this day would come
예술이야 (예술이야) 예술이야 (예술이야)
yesuriya (yesuriya) yesuriya (yesuriya)
It's art (it's art) It's art (it's art)
너와 나 언제까지나
neowa na eonjekkajina
You and I, forever to ride
Till the end of time
P. S. Y
[DISCLAIMER] -- I do not own this song. No copyright infringement intended. All rights go to their copyright owners
Right Now - PSY Lyrics & Translation
OH~매우 공격적인 음악
Oh~ maeu gonggyeokjeogin eumak
Oh~ Very aggresive music
뭐야 이거 내 목에 기계소리 빼
mweoya igeo nae moge gigyeosori ppae
What is this sound in my neck, disconnect machines
2010 Once again PSY Coming Back Hello~
남의 떡이 더 크고
namui tteogi deo keugo
Someone else's cake looks bigger
남의 여자가 예쁘고
namui yeojaga yeppeulgo
Someone's else girl seems prettier
내가 하는 모든 것은 뭔가 좀 어설프고
naega haneun modeun geoteun mwonga jom eoseolpeugo
Everything I do seems to lack something
그렇다고 죽을 수도
geuleohdago jugeul sudo
That doesn't mean I can end my life
계속 이대로 살 수도
gyeosug idaero sal sudo
Or just keep living that way
사투리로 짜투리로 늘어놓을 뿐이고
saturiro jjateuriro nuleonoheul ppunigo
I just order it out in pieces of my dialect
외쳐 외쳐 외쳐 외쳐 목이 터져라 외쳐 외쳐
eochyeo eochyeo eochyeo eochyeo mogi teojyeora eochyeo eochyeo
I shout and shout and shout and shout until my voice is gone
치고 팔짝 뛰고 심장 박동 뛰고
michigo chigo paljjag ttwigo shimjang bagdong ttwigo
I go wild and and my heart beat goes crazy
걱정하는 댁은 대체 누구신데
nareul geokjeonghaneun daekeun daeche nugushinde
Who the hell are you being worried about me?
신경 꺼 잊어 그리고 나서 뛰어
shingyeong kkeo ijeo geurigo naseo ttwieo
Mind your own business, forget and jump!
(Right Now) 180도
변해 돌고 돌고
(Right Now) baekpalshipdo byeonhae dolgo dolgo
(Right Now) Change 180 degrees, turn round and round
지금부터 미쳐 볼란다
jigeumbuteo michyeo bollanda
I'm gonna go crazy right now
(Right Now) 63 빌딩위로
그리고 그 위로
(Right Now) yoksam bildingwiro geurigo geu wiro
(Right Now) To the top of the 63 Building and higher
지금부터 뛰어 볼란다
jigeumbuteo ttwieo bollanda
I'm gonna jump up there right now
Right Now
Right Now
Right Now
앉았네 아주 놀고 자빠졌네
utgigo anjatne ajo nolgo jappajyeotne
You make me laugh, what are you doing?
북치고 장구 치고 아주 쌩 쇼를 하네
honja bugchigo janggu chigo aju ssaeng syoreul hane
You're a one-man show, you don't know when to stop
일생 혹은 나의 이생
pyeongsaeng ilsaeng hogeun naui isaeng
For eternity or in my lifetime
기죽지 않아 굴하지 않아 쿨 하잖아
gijugji anha golhaji anha kul hajanha
I won't be discouraged, I won't surrender
You know I’m saying
외쳐 외쳐 외쳐 목이 터져라 외쳐외쳐
eochyeo eochyeo eochyeo eochyeo mogi teojyeora eochyeo
Shout! Shout! Shout! Shout! Until your voice is gone
치고 팔짝 뛰고 심장 박동 뛰고
michigo chigo paljjak ttwigo shimjang bakdong ttwigo
I go wild and my heart beat goes crazy
I go wild and my heart beat goes crazy
뭐 있냐고 인생 뭐 있다고
insaeng mweo ittnyago insaeng ittdago
What's so special about life?
저마다 존재하는 이유가 있다
jeomada chonjaehaneun iyuga ittda
Everyone has their reason to exist
insaeng mweo ittnyago insaeng ittdago
What's so special about life?
저마다 존재하는 이유가 있다
jeomada chonjaehaneun iyuga ittda
Everyone has their reason to exist
(Right Now) 180도
변해 돌고 돌고
(Right Now) baekpalshipdo byeonhae dolgo dolgo
(Right Now) Change 180 degrees, turn round and around
지금부터 미쳐 볼란다
jigeumbuteo michyeo bollanda
I'm gonna go crazy right now
(Right Now) baekpalshipdo byeonhae dolgo dolgo
(Right Now) Change 180 degrees, turn round and around
지금부터 미쳐 볼란다
jigeumbuteo michyeo bollanda
I'm gonna go crazy right now
(Right Now) 63 빌딩위로
그리고 그 위로
(Right Now) yoksam bildingwiro geurigo geu wiro
(Right Now) To the top of the 63 Building and higher
지금부터 뛰어 볼란다
Jigeumbuteo ttwieo bollanda
I'm going to jump up there
(Right Now) yoksam bildingwiro geurigo geu wiro
(Right Now) To the top of the 63 Building and higher
지금부터 뛰어 볼란다
Jigeumbuteo ttwieo bollanda
I'm going to jump up there
Right Now
Right Now
Right Now
세상이 나를 속이고
saesangi nareul sogigo
The world deceives me
모르는 게 사람 속이고
morineun ge saram sogigo
The unknown cheats us
saesangi nareul sogigo
The world deceives me
모르는 게 사람 속이고
morineun ge saram sogigo
The unknown cheats us
돌리고 안 봐도 비디오
ppaengppaengi dolligo an pwado bidio
No need to spin the wheel, I already know it
ppaengppaengi dolligo an pwado bidio
No need to spin the wheel, I already know it
독한 술이고
insaengeun doghan suligo
Life is like hard liqour
그래서 예술이고 수리수리수리 마술이고
geuraeseo yesurigo surisurisuri masurigo
Which is why it's artistic and magical
insaengeun doghan suligo
Life is like hard liqour
그래서 예술이고 수리수리수리 마술이고
geuraeseo yesurigo surisurisuri masurigo
Which is why it's artistic and magical
투고 쓰리고
wongo tugo surigo
One go! Two go! Three go!
wongo tugo surigo
One go! Two go! Three go!
(Right Now) 180도 변해 돌고 돌고
(Right Now) baekpalshipdo byeonhae dolgo dolgo
(Right Now) Change 180 degrees, turn round and round
지금부터 미쳐 볼란다
jigeumbuteo michyeo bollanda
I'm gonna go crazy right now
(Right Now) 63 빌딩위로 그리고 그 위로
(Right Now) yoksam bildingwiro geurigo geu wiro
(Right Now) To the top of the 63 Building and higher
지금부터 뛰어 볼란다
jigeumbuteo ttwieo bollanda
I'm gonna jump up there right now
Right Now
지금부터 미쳐 볼란다
(Right Now) 63 빌딩위로 그리고 그 위로
(Right Now) yoksam bildingwiro geurigo geu wiro
지금부터 미쳐 볼란다
jigeumbuteo michyeo bollanda
I'm gonna go crazy right now
(Right Now) 63 빌딩위로 그리고 그 위로
(Right Now) yoksam bildingwiro geurigo geu wiro
(Right Now) To the top of the 63 Building and higher
지금부터 뛰어 볼란다
jigeumbuteo ttwieo bollanda
I'm gonna jump up there right now
Right Now
Right Now
Right Now
Right Now
[DISCLAIMER] -- I do not own this song. No copyright infringement intended. All rights go to their copyright owners
Right Now
Right Now
[DISCLAIMER] -- I do not own this song. No copyright infringement intended. All rights go to their copyright owners
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