About 'International Superblogs!'

I am currently able to translate from: Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian and a little of Korean and Spanish. The translations are in no way perfect, as I am still learning, but if you do notice any mistakes, please let me know.

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Friday 30 July 2010

McFly: The Five Colours In My Head

If you're British then you must have heard of the four wonderful boys that make up the band McFly. When they first released their No. 1 single 'Five Colours in Her Hair' in 2004, when I was merely 12 years old, I was hooked on the four lovely lads who had barely just left school themselves. I found myself singing out loud the 14 songs on 'Room on the 3rd Floor' (which includes the hidden song 'Get Over You') continuously, and ended up driving my family mad! And it was thanks to McFly that I in truth, became best friends with Shannon, who to this day is like my sister, and who I've gone to seen McFly with twice in the Novembers of 2008 and 2009.

'Room on the 3rd Floor' was an ode to McFly's maturing as schoolboys, singing about girls they had crushes on, parties they were throwing and girlfriends' dads that disliked them. But amongst the bubblegum-rock ditties, are laced some heartfelt ballads, such as the song of the same name as the album, 'Room on the 3rd Floor' and 'Not Alone'... both of which depicting the inner beauty that were the souls of the songwriters, Tom Fletcher and Danny Jones.

Following their debut album, McFly released their second album 'Wonderland', which in itself suited the album's themes, based on more mature ideologies: mid-life crisis, past memories, a friend's suicide and invading other's privacy. Of course, like every album, there's always a song which stands out from the rest, and these happened to be the 'I've Got You' and 'I Wanna Hold You'. These interesting upbeat songs seperate themselves from their companions, and show the same McFly soul that sparked our love in the first place. Another gem of the album was 'All About You', a beautiful number penned by Tom Fletcher, completely mushy and definitely one that would be appearing on Valentine's Day mixtapes for years to come. But alongside Fletcher's mushy song, was written the saddening two part song of 'She Falls Asleep'; a haunting melody on the piano, depicting a lonely woman, who commited suicide. Despite my very biased and heart-shaped glasses that are focused on Tom Fletcher, a lot of credit should be given to his musical talents and genius, behind the power of these tracks.

Following 'Wonderland' came the even more bubbly 'Motion in the Ocean'. To come on this album were Radio 1's Friday Favourite (and my own) 'Star Girl', a brilliant pop-rock song, catchy enough to make you want to dance.. (let alone make your boyfriend laugh at the lyrics "When I fell in love with Uranus") and generally "oo-oo-oo-ooo" along during the chorus. Weirdly enough, the song was inspired by a dream Fletcher had about falling in love with an alien woman.... ahh, that's why I love him so much. Other popular ones were 'Please, Please', 'Sorry's Not Good Enough', 'Friday Night' and 'Transylvania'.

It was after 'Motion in the Ocean' that McFly finally released their Greatest Hits Album, and Shannon and myself were finally able to see them in concert.... I tell you, we've never danced and screamed so much... and we're convinced we were smiled and waved at... honest.

Then the long awaited 'Radio:ACTIVE' was released, and a whole new McFly was seen. They'd grown up musically, and their tunes were now laced with more distortion and emotional singing, as seen on 'Lies', 'Corruption' and many other wonders from the album. But the one that moved me the most, had to be 'Down Goes Another One'. Known as the follow on to 'She Falls Asleep', the song depicts the life of the boyfriend of the woman who died in the first song, and it brings to light a lot of emotion and pain that people can feel when heartbroken.

As the fans await McFly's new album 'Super City', the boys have become a different more unique versions of the young cuties they were 6 years ago, their new single 'Party Girl' a big hit in my books, and I've found myself already singing the lyrics to myself.... Let's just hope that these boys stay Britain's Golden Boys for now... because I know they'll be mine.

Emily Russell


This article is the opinion of the author and no offence is intended towards the audience.

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